
1 Introduction

Indexing of genomic sequences is an important problem in modern computational genomics, as it enables the atomic queries required for analysis of sequencing data—particularly reference guided analyses where observed sequencing data is compared to known reference sequences. Fundamentally, analyses need to first rapidly locate short exact matches to reference sequences before performing other operations downstream. For example, for guided assembly of genomes, variant calling, and structural variant identification, seed sequences are matched to known references before novel sequences are arranged according to the seeds [1]. For RNA-seq, statistics for groups of related \(k\)-mers mapping to known transcripts or genes allow algorithms to infer the activity of genes in single-cell and bulk gene-expression analyses [2,3,4].

Recently, researchers have been interested in indexing collections of genomes for metagenomic and pan-genomic analyses. There have been two main types of approaches: full-text indexes, and hashing based approaches that typically index the de Bruijn graph (dBG). With respect to full-text indexes, researchers have developed tools that use the r-index [5] to compute matching statistics and locate maximal exact matches for large reference collections [6, 7]. For highly repetitive collections, such as many genomes from the same species, r-index based approaches are especially space efficient since they scale linearly to the number of runs in the Burrows-Wheeler Transform (BWT) [8] and not the length of the reference text. With respect to hashing based approaches, tools restrict queries to fixed length \(k\)-mers [1, 9] and index the dBG. These tools achieve faster exact queries but typically trade off space. In other related work, graph-based indexes that compactly represent genomic variations as paths on graphs have also been developed [10, 11]. However, these indexes require additional work to project queries landing on graph-based coordinates to linear coordinates on reference sequences.

Many tools have been developed to efficiently build and represent the dBG [12, 13]. Recently, Khan et al. introduced a pair of methods to construct the compacted dBG from both assembled references [14] and read sets [15]. Ekim et al. [16] introduced the minimizer-space dBG–a highly effective lossy compression scheme that uses minimizers as representative sequences for nodes in the dBG. Karasikov et al. developed the Counting dBG [17] that stores differences between adjacent nodes in the dBG to compress metadata associated with nodes (and sequences) in a dBG. Encouragingly, much recent work on Spectrum Preserving String Sets (SPSS) that compactly index the set-membership of \(k\)-mers in reference texts has been introduced [15, 18,19,20,21,22,23]. Although these approaches do not tackle the locate queries directly, they do suggest that even more efficient solutions for reference indexing are possible.

In this work, we extend these recent ideas and introduce the concept of a Spectrum Preserving Tiling (SPT) which encodes how and where \(k\)-mers in an SPSS occur in a reference text. In introducing the SPT, this work makes two key observations. First, a hashing based solution to the reference indexing problem for \(k\)-mers does not necessitate a de Bruijn graph but instead requires a tiling over the input reference collection—the SPT formalizes this. Second, the reference indexing problem for \(k\)-mers queries can be cleanly decomposed into a \(k\)-mer-to-tile query and a tile-to-occurrence query. Crucially, SPTs enable the implementation and analysis of a general class of modular indexes that can exploit efficient implementations introduced in prior work.

Contributions. We focus our work on considering how indexes can, in practice, efficiently support the two composable queries—the \(k\)-mer-to-tile query and the tile-to-occurrence query. We highlight this work’s key contributions below. We introduce:

  1. 1.

    The spectrum preserving tiling (SPT). An SPT is a general representation that explicitly encodes how shared sequences—tiles—repeatedly occur in a reference collection. The SPT enables an entire class of sparse and modular indexes that support exact locate queries for \(k\)-mers.

  2. 2.

    An algorithm for sampling and compressing an indexed SPT built from unitigs that samples unitig-occurrences. For some small constant “sampling rate”, \(s\), our algorithm stores the positions of only \(\approx 1/s\) occurrences and encodes all remaining occurrences using a small constant number of bits.

  3. 3.

    Pufferfish2: a practical index and implementation of the introduced sampling scheme. We highlight the critical engineering considerations that make pufferfish2 effective in practice.

2 Problem Definition and Preliminaries

The Mapped Reference Position (MRP) Query. In this work we consider the reference indexing problem for \(k\)-mers. Given a collection of references \(\mathcal {R} = \{R_1,\ldots ,R_N\}\), where each reference is a string over the DNA alphabet \(\left\{ \texttt {A}, \texttt {C}, \texttt {T}, \texttt {G}\right\} \), we seek an index that can efficiently compute the mapped reference position (MRP) query for a fixed \(k\)-mer size k. Given any \(k\)-mer x, the MRP query enumerates the positions of all occurrences of x in \(\mathcal {R}\). Precisely, each returned occurrence is a tuple (np) that specifies that \(k\)-mer, x, occurs in reference n at position p where \(R_n[p: p + k] = x\). If a \(k\)-mer does not occur in some \(R_n \in \mathcal {R}\), the MRP query returns an empty list.

Basic Notation. Strings and lists are zero-indexed. The length of a sequence S is denoted \(\left|S \right|\). The \(i\)-th character of a string \(S\) is \(S[i]\). A \(k\)-mer is a string of length \(k\). A sub-string of length \(\ell \) in the string \(S\) starting at position \(i\) is notated \(S[i: i+\ell ]\). The prefix and suffix of length i is denoted S[ : i] and \(S[|S| - i:]\), respectively. The concatenation of strings \(A\) and \(B\) is denoted \(A\circ B\).

We define the glue operation, \(A\oplus _kB\), to be valid for any pair of strings \(A\) and \(B\) that overlap by \((k-1)\) characters. If the \((k-1)\)-length suffix of \( A \) is equal to the \((k-1)\)-length prefix of \( B\), then \(A \oplus _kB {:}{=}A \circ B[(k-1):].\) When \(k\) clear from context, we write \(A \oplus B\) in place of \(A \oplus _kB\).

Rank and Select Queries over Sequences. Given a sequence \(S\), the rank query given a character \(\alpha \) and position \(i\), written \(\texttt {rank}_{\alpha }(S, i)\), is the number of occurrences of \(\alpha \) in \(S[:i]\) The select query \(\texttt {select}_{\alpha }(S, r)\) returns the position of the r-th occurrence of symbol \(\alpha \) in S. The access query \(\texttt {access}(S, i)\) returns \(S[i]\). For a sequence of length \(n\) over an alphabet of size \(\sigma \), these can be computed in \(O(\lg \sigma )\) time using a wavelet matrix that requires \(n\lg \sigma + o(n\lg \sigma )\) bits [24].

3 Spectrum Preserving Tilings

In this section, we introduce the spectrum preserving tiling, a representation of a given reference collection \(\mathcal {R}\) that specifies how a set of tiles containing \(k\)-mers repeatedly occur to spell out the constituent reference sequences in \(\mathcal {R}\). This alternative representation enables a modular solution to the reference indexing problem, based on the interplay between two mappings—a \(k\)-mer-to-tile mapping and a tile-to-occurrence mapping.

3.1 Definition

Given a \(k\)-mer length k and an input reference collection of genomic sequences \(\mathcal {R} = \{R_1, \dots , R_N\}\), a spectrum preserving tiling (SPT) for \(\mathcal {R}\) is a five-tuple \(\Gamma {:}{=}( \mathcal {U}, \mathcal {T}, \mathcal {S}, \mathcal {W}, \mathcal {L} )\):

Fig. 1.
figure 1

(a) A spectrum preserving tiling (SPT) with \(k=3\), (b) with tiles (an SPSS) that contain all \(k\)-mers in references. (c) The SPT explicitly encodes where each \(k\)-mer occurs.

  • Tiles: \(\mathcal {U} = \{U_1, \dots , U_F\}.\) The set of tiles is a spectrum preserving string set, i.e., a set of strings such that each \(k\)-mer in \(\mathcal {R}\) occurs in some \(U_i \in \mathcal {R}\). Each string \(U_i \in \mathcal {U}\) is called a tile.

  • Tiling sequences: \(\mathcal {T} = \{T_1, \dots , T_N\}\) where each \(T_n\) corresponds to each reference \(R_n \in \mathcal {R}\). Each tiling sequence is an ordered sequence of tiles \(T_n = [T_{n,1}, \dots , T_{n,M_n}]\), of length \(M_n\), with each \(T_{n,m} = U_i \in \mathcal {U}\). We term each \(T_{n,m}\) a tile-occurrence.

  • Tile-occurrence lengths: \(\mathcal {L} = \{L_1, \dots , L_N\}\), where each \(L_n =[l_{n,1}, \dots , l_{n,M_n}]\) is a sequence of lengths.

  • Tile-occurrence offsets: \(\mathcal {W} = \{W_1, \dots , W_N\}\), where each \(W_n =[w_{n,1}, \dots , w_{n,M_n}]\) is an integer-sequence.

  • Tile-occurrence start positions: \(\mathcal {S} = \{S_1, \dots , S_N\}\), where each \(S_n =[s_{n,1}, \dots , s_{n,M_n}]\) is an integer-sequence.

A valid SPT must satisfy the spectrum preserving tiling property, that every reference sequence \(R_n\) can be reconstructed by gluing together substrings of tiles at offsets \(W_n\) with lengths \(L_n\):

$$R_n = T_{n,1}[w_{n,1}: w_{n,1} + l_{n,1}] \oplus \dots \oplus T_{n,M_n}[w_{n,M_n}: w_{n,M_n} + l_{n,M_n}]. $$

Specifically, the SPT encodes how redundant sequences—tiles—repeatedly occur in the reference collection \(\mathcal {R}\). We illustrate how an ordered sequence of start-positions, offsets, and lengths explicitly specify how redundant sequences tile a pair of references in Fig. 1. More succinctly, each tile-occurrence \(T_{n,m}\) with length \(l_{n,m}\) tiles the reference sequence \(R_n\) as:

$$ R_n[s_{n,m} + w_{n,m}: s_{n,m} + w_{n,m} + l_{n,m}] = T_{n,m}[w_{n,m}: w_{n,m} + l_{n,m}]. $$

In the same way a small SPSS compactly determines the presence of a \(k\)-mer, a small SPT compactly specifies the location of a \(k\)-mer. For this work, we consider SPTs where any \(k\)-mer occurs only once in the set of tiles \(\mathcal {U}\). The algorithms and ideas introduced in this paper still work with SPTs where a \(k\)-mer may occur more than once in \(\mathcal {U}\) (some extra book-keeping of a one-to-many \(k\)-mer-to-tile mapping would be needed, however). For ease of exposition, we ignore tile orientations here. We completely specify the SPT with orientations, allowing tiles to simultaneously represent reverse-complement sequences, in Section S.2.

3.2 A General and Modular Index over Spectrum Preserving Tilings

Any SPT is immediately amenable to indexing by an entire class of algorithms. This is because an SPT yields a natural decomposition of the MRP query (defined in Sect. 2) where \(k\)-mers first map to the tiles and tile-occurrences then map to positions in references. To index a reference collection, a data structure need only compose a query for the positions where \(k\)-mers occur on tiles in a SPSS with a query for the positions where tiles cover the input references.

Ideally, an index should find a small SPT where \(k\)-mers are compactly represented in the set of tiles where tiles are “long” and tiling sequences are “short”. Compact tilings exist for almost all practical applications since the amount of unique sequence grows much more slowly than the total length of reference sequences. Finding a small SPSS where \(k\)-mers occur only once has been solved efficiently [18,19,20]. However, it remains unclear if a small SPSS induces a small SPT, since an SPT must additionally encode tile-occurrence positions. Currently, tools like pufferfish index reference sequences using an SPT built from the unitigs of the compacted de Bruijn graph (cdBG) constructed over the input sequences, which has been found to be sufficiently compact for practical applications. Though the existence of SPSSs smaller than cdBG s suggest that smaller SPTs might be found for indexing, we leave the problem of finding small or even optimal SPTs to future work. Here, we demonstrate how indexing any given SPT is modular and possible in general.

Given an SPT, the MRP query can be decomposed into two queries that can each be supported by sparse and efficient data structures. These queries are:

  • The kmer-to-tile query: Given a \(k\)-mer \(x\), \(\texttt {k2tile}(x)\) returns \((i, p)\)—the identity of the tile \(U_i\) that contains \(x\) and the offset (position) into the tile \(U_i\) where \(x\) occurs. That is, \(\texttt {k2tile}(x)= (i, p)\) iff \(U_i[p: p+k] = x\). If \(x\) is not in \(\mathcal {R}\), \(\texttt {k2tile}(x)\) returns \(\emptyset \).

  • The tile-to-occurrence query: Given the \(r\)-th occurrence of the tile \(U_i\), \(\texttt {tile2occ}(i, r)\) returns the tuple \((n, s, w, l)\) that encodes how \(U_i\) tiles the reference \(R_n\). When \(\texttt {tile2occ}(i, r) = (n, s, w, l)\), the \(r\)-th occurrence of \(U_i\) occurs on \(R_n\) at position \((s + w)\), with the sequence \(U_i[w: w + l]\). Let the \(r\)-th occurrence of \(U_i\) be \(T_{n,m}\) on \(\mathcal {T}\), then \(\texttt {tile2occ}(i, r) \) returns \((n, s_{n,m}, w_{n,m}, l_{n,m})\).

When these two queries are supported, the MRP query can be computed by Algorithm 1. By adding the offset of the queried \(k\)-mer \(x\) in a tile \(U_i\) to the positions where the tile \(U_i\) occurs, Algorithm 1 returns all positions where a \(k\)-mer occurs. Line 10 checks to ensure that any occurrence of the queried \(k\)-mer is returned only if the corresponding tile-occurrence of \(U_i\) contains that \(k\)-mer. We note that storing the number of occurrences of a tile and returning \(\texttt {num}\text {-}{} \texttt {occs}(U_i)\) requires negligible computational overhead. In practice, the length of tiling sequences, \(\mathcal {T}\), are orders of magnitude larger than the number of unique tiles. In this work, we shall use \(occ_i\), to denote the number of occurrences of \(U_i\) in tiling sequences \(\mathcal {T}\).

figure a

3.3 “Drop in” Implementations for Efficient \(k\)-mer-to-tile Queries

Naturally, prior work for indexing and compressing spectrum preserving string sets (SPSS) can be applied to implement the \(k\)-mer-to-tile query. When pufferfish was first developed, the data structures required to support the \(k\)-mer-to-tile query dominated the size of moderately sized indexes. Thus, Almodaresi et al. [9] introduced a sampling scheme that samples \(k\)-mer positions in unitigs. Recently, Pibiri [21, 22] introduced SSHash, an efficient \(k\)-mer hashing scheme that exploits minimizer based partitioning and carefully handles highly-skewed distributions of minimizer occurrences. When built over an SPSS, SSHash stores the \(k\)-mers by their order of appearance in the strings (which we term tiles) of an SPSS and thus allows easy computation of a \(k\)-mer ’s offset into a tile. Other methods based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) [8], such as the Spectral BWT [23] and BOSS [25], could also be used. However, these methods implicitly sort \(k\)-mers in lexicographical order and would likely need an extra level of indirection to implement k2tile. Unless a compact scheme is devised, this can outweigh the space savings offered by the BWT.

3.4 Challenges of the Tile-to-Occurrence Query

The straightforward solution to the tile-to-occurrence query is to store the answers in a table, utab, where \(\texttt {utab} [i]\) stores information for all occurrences of the tile \(U_i\) and computing \(\texttt {tile2occ}(i, r)\) amounts to a simple lookup into \(\texttt {utab} [i][r]\). This is the approach taken in the pufferfish index and has proven to be effective for moderately sized indexes. This implementation is output optimal and is fast and cache-friendly since all \(occ_i\) occurrences of a tile \(U_i\) can be accessed contiguously. However, writing down all start positions of tile-occurrences in utab is impractical for large indexes.

For larger indexes (e.g. metagenomic references, many human genomes), explicitly storing utab becomes more costly than supporting the \(k\)-mer-to-tile query. This is because, as the number of indexed references grow, the number of distinct \(k\)-mers grows sub-linearly whereas the number of occurrences grows with the (cumulative) reference length. Problematically, the number of start positions of tile-occurrences grows at least linearly. For a reference collection with total sequence length \(L\), a naive encoding for utab would take \(O(L\lg L)\) bits, as each position require \(\lceil \lg L \rceil \) bits and there can be at most L distinct tiles.

Other algorithms that support “locate” queries suffer from a similar problem. To answer queries in time proportional to the number of occurrences of a query, data structures must explicitly store positions of occurrences and access them in constant time. However, storing all positions is impractical for large reference texts or large \(k\)-mer-sets. To address this, some algorithms employ a scheme to sample positions at some small sampling rate \(s\), and perform \(O(s)\) work to retrieve not-sampled positions. Since s is usually chosen to be a small constant, this extra O(s) work only imposes a slight overhead.

One may wonder if utab—which is an inverted index—can be compressed using the techniques developed in the Information Retrieval field [26]. For biological sequences, a large proportion of utab consists of very short inverted lists (e.g. unique variants in indexed genomes) that are not well-compressible. In fact, these short lists occur at a rate that is much higher than for inverted indexes designed for natural languages. So, instead applying existing compression techniques, we develop a novel sampling scheme for utab and the tile-to-occurrence query that exploits the properties of genomic sequences.

4 Pufferfish2

Below, we introduce pufferfish2, an index built over an SPT consisting of unitigs. Pufferfish2 applies a sampling scheme to sparsify the tile-to-occurrence query of a given pufferfish index [9].

Fig. 2.
figure 2

(a) A unitig-tiling is an SPT where tiles, unitigs, always occur completely in the reference sequences. (b) The MRP query is performed by computing a \(k\)-mer ’s offset into a unitig (k2u), then adding the offset to the positions where unitig-occurrences appear in indexed reference sequences (u2occ). To naively support the unitig-to-occurrence query, positions of all unitig-occurrences are stored in a table, utab.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

(a) Pufferfish2 samples unitigs and their occurrences on a unitig-tiling. Only the positions of the occurrences of the sampled unitigs (black) are stored in utab. Positions of the not-sampled unitigs (gray) can be computed relative to the positions of sampled unitigs by traversing backwards on the visualized tiling of references. Sampling the zero-th unitig-occurrence on every reference sequence guarantees that traversals terminate. (b) Predecessor and successor nucleotides are obtained from adjacent unitig occurrences and are stored in the order in which they appear on the references. These nucleotides for the \(r\)-th occurrence of \(U_i\) is stored in \(\texttt {ptab} [i][r]\) and \(\texttt {stab} [i][r]\), respectively.

4.1 Interpreting pufferfish as an Index over a Unitig-Based SPT

Though not introduced this way by Almodaresi et al., pufferfish is an index over a unitig-tiling of an input reference collection [9]. A unitig-tiling is an SPT which satisfies the property that all tiles always occur completely in references where, for every tile-occurrence \(T_{n,m} = U_i\), offset \(w_{n,m} = 0\) and length \(l_{n,m} = |U_i|\). When this property is satisfied, we term tiles unitigs.

An index built over unitig-tilings does not need to store tile-occurrence offsets, \(\mathcal {W}\), or tile-occurrence lengths \(\mathcal {L}\) since all tiles have the same offset (zero) and occur with maximal length. For indexes constructed over unitig-tilings, we shall use k2u to mean k2tile, and u2occ to be tile2occ with one change. That is, u2occ omits offsets and lengths of tile occurrences since they are uninformative for unitig-tilings and returns a tuple \((n, s)\) instead of \((n, s, w, l)\), In prose, we shall refer to these queries as the \(k\)-mer-to-unitig and unitig-to-occurrence queries.

The MRP query over unitig-tilings can be computed with Algorithm 4 (in Section S.1) where Line 10 is removed from Algorithm 1. We illustrate the MRP query and an example of a unitig-tiling in Fig. 2.

4.2 Sampling Unitigs and Traversing Tilings to Sparsify the Unitig-to-Occurrence Query

Pufferfish2 implements a sampling scheme for unitig-occurrences on a unitig-tiling. For some small constant \(s\), our scheme samples \(1/s\) rows in utab each corresponding to all occurrences of a unique unitig. In doing so, it sparsifies the u2occ query and utab by only storing positions for a subset of sampled unitigs. To compute unitig-to-occurrence queries, it traverses unitig-occurrences on an indexed unitig-tiling.

Notably, pufferfish2 traverses unitig-tilings that are implicitly represented. For unitig-tilings with positions stored in utab, there exists no contiguous sequence in memory representing occurrences that is obvious to traverse. However, when viewed as an SPT, unitig-occurrences have ranks on a tiling and traversals are possible because tiling sequences map uniquely to a sequence of unitig-rank pairs.

Specifically, we define the pred query—an atomic traversal step that enables traversals of arbitrary lengths over reference tilings. Given the r-th occurrence of the unitig \(U_i\), the pred query returns the identity and rank of the preceding unitig. Let tile \(T_{n,m}\) be the \(r\)-th occurrence of the unitig \(U_i\) on all tiling sequences \(\mathcal {T}\). Then, \({\texttt {pred}}(i, r)\) returns \((j, q)\) indicating that \(T_{n,m-1}\), the preceding unitig-occurrence, is the \(q\)-th occurrence of the unitig \(U_j\). If there is no preceding occurrence and \(m=1\), \({\texttt {pred}}(i, r)\) returns the sentinel value \(\emptyset \).

When an index supports \({\texttt {pred}}\), it is able to traverse “backwards” on a unitig-tiling. Successively calling \({\texttt {pred}}\) yields the identities of unitigs that form a tiling sequence. Furthermore, since \({\texttt {pred}}\) returns the identity j and the rank q of a preceding unitig-occurrence, accessing data associated with each visited occurrence is straightforward in a table like utab (i.e., with \(\texttt {utab} [j][q]\)).

Given the unitig-set \(\mathcal {U}\), pufferfish2 first samples a subset of unitigs \(\mathcal {U}_S \subseteq \mathcal {U}\). For each sampled unitig \(U_i \in \mathcal {U}_S\), it stores information for unitig-occurrences identically to pufferfish and records, for all occurrences of a sampled unitig \(U_i\), a list of reference identity and position tuples in \(\texttt {utab} [i]\).

To recover the position of the \(r\)-th occurrence a not-sampled unitig \(U_i\) and to compute \(\texttt {u2occ}(i, r)\), the index traverses the unitig-tiling and iteratively calls pred until an occurrence of a sampled unitig is found—let this be the \(q\)-th occurrence of \(U_j\). During the traversal, pufferfish2 accumulates number of nucleotides covered by the traversed unitig-occurrences. Since \(U_j\) is a sampled unitig, the position of the \(q\)-th occurrence can be found in \(\texttt {utab} [j][q]\). To return \(\texttt {u2occ} (i, r)\), pufferfish2 adds the number of nucleotides traversed to the start position stored at \(\texttt {utab} [j][q]\), the position of a preceding occurrence of the sampled unitig \(U_j\).

This procedure is implemented in Algorithm 2 and visualized in Fig. 3. Traversals must account for \((k-1)\) overlapping nucleotides of unitig-occurrences that tile a reference (Line 5). Storing the length of the unitigs is negligible since the number of unique unitigs is much smaller than the number of occurrences.

On the Termination of Traversals. Any unitig that occurs as the zero-th occurrence (i.e., with rank zero) of a tiling-sequence is always sampled. This way, backwards traversals terminate because every occurrence of a not-sampled unitig occurs after a sampled unitig. This can be seen from Fig. 3. Concretely, if \(T_{n,1} = U_i\) for some tiling-sequence \(T_n\), then the unitig \(U_i\) must always be sampled.

figure b

4.3 Implementing the pred Query with pufferfish2

Pufferfish2 computes the pred query in constant time while requiring only constant space per unitig-occurrence by carefully storing predecessor and successor nucleotides of unitig-occurrences.

Predecessor and Successor Nucleotides. Given the tiling sequence \(T_n = \left[ T_{n,1},\dots ,T_{n,M_n}\right] \), we say that a unitig-occurrence \(T_{n,m}\) is preceded by \(T_{n,m-1}\), and that \(T_{n,m-1}\) is succeeded by \(T_{n,m}\). Suppose \(T_{n,m} = U_i\), and \(T_{n,m-1} = U_j\), and let the unitigs have lengths \(\ell _i\) and \(\ell _j\), respectively.

We say that, \(T_{n,m-1}\) precedes \(T_{n,m}\) with predecessor nucleotide \(p\). The predecessor nucleotide is the nucleotide that precedes the unitig-occurrence \(T_{n,m}\) on the reference sequence \(R_n\). Concretely, \(p\) is the first nucleotide on the last \(k\)-mer of the preceding unitig, i.e., \(p = T_{n,m-1}[\ell _j - k]\). We say that, \(T_{n,m}\) succeeds \(T_{n,m-1}\) with successor nucleotide \(s\). Accordingly, the successor nucleotide, \(s\), is the last nucleotide on the first \(k\)-mer of the succeeding unitig, i.e., \(s = T_{n,m}[k]\).

Abstractly, the preceding occurrence \(T_{n,m-1}\) can be “reached” from the succeeding occurrence \(T_{n,m}\) by prepending its predecessor nucleotide to the \((k-1)\)-length prefix of \(T_{n,m}\). Given \(T_{n,m}\) and its predecessor nucleotide \(p\), the \(k\)-mer \(y\) that is the last \(k\)-mer on the preceding occurrence \(T_{n,m-1}\) can be obtained with \(y = p \circ T_{n,m}[:k-1]\). Given an occurrence \(T_{n,m}\), let the functions \(\texttt {pred}\text {-}{} \texttt {nuc}\left( T_{n,m}\right) \) and \(\texttt {succ}\text {-}{} \texttt {nuc}\left( T_{n,m}\right) \) yield the predecessor nucleotide and the successor nucleotide of \(T_{n,m}\), respectively. If \(T_{n,m}\) is the first or last unitig-occurrence pair on \(T_n\), then \(\texttt {succ}\text {-}{} \texttt {nuc}\left( T_{n,m}\right) \) and \(\texttt {pred}\text {-}{} \texttt {nuc}\left( T_{n,m}\right) \) return the “null” character, ‘\(\$\)’.

These notationally dense definitions can be more easily understood with a figure. Figure 3 shows how predecessor and successor nucleotides of a given unitig-occurrence on a tiling are obtained.

Concrete Representation. Pufferfish2 first samples a set of unitigs \(\mathcal {U}_S \subseteq \mathcal {U}\) from \(\mathcal {U}\) and stores a bit vector, isSamp, to record if a unitig \(U_i\) is sampled where \(\texttt {isSamp} [i] = 1\) iff \(U_i \in \mathcal {U}_S\). Pufferfish2 stores in utab the reference identity and position pairs for occurrences of sampled unitigs only.

After sampling unique unitigs, pufferfish2 stores a predecessor nucleotide table, ptab, and a successor nucleotide table, stab. For each not-sampled unitig \(U_i\) only, \(\texttt {ptab} [i]\) stores a list of predecessor nucleotides for each occurrence of \(U_i\) in the unitig-tiling. For all unitigs \(U_i\), \(\texttt {stab} [i]\) stores a list of successor nucleotides for each occurrence of \(U_i\). Concretely, when the unitig-occurrence \(T_{n,m}\) is the \(r\)-th occurrence of \(U_i\),

$$\begin{aligned} \texttt {ptab} [i][r] = {\texttt {pred}\text {-}{} \texttt {nuc}}\left( T_{n,m}\right) \quad \text {and}\quad \texttt {stab} [i][r] = \texttt {succ}\text {-}{} \texttt {nuc}\left( T_{n,m}\right) . \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 4.
figure 4

Visualizing the pred query that finds the occurrence of \(U_j\) that precedes the queried occurrence of \(U_i\) with rank 1. (a) All occurrences of \(U_i\) and \(U_j\) are visualized (in sorted order) with their preceding and succeeding unitig occurrences, respectively. The figure shows stored successor nucleotides for \(U_j\), and predecessor nucleotides for \(U_i\). Whenever an occurrence of \(U_j\) precedes an occurrence of \(U_i\), a corresponding pair of nucleotides “A” and “T” occur and are stored in \(\texttt {stab} [j]\) and \(\texttt {ptab} [i]\) respectively. (b) Their ranks (annotated with subscripts) of the corresponding predecessor-successor nucleotide pair match in \(\texttt {ptab} [i]\) and \(\texttt {stab} [j]\), but the indices do not. A rank query for predecessor nucleotide “T” at index \(r = 1\) yields the matching rank of the successor nucleotide “A”. A select query for the nucleotide “A” with rank 1 yields the index and occurrence of the predecessor \(U_j\).

As discussed in Sect. 4.2, unitigs that occur as the zero-th element on a tiling is always sampled so that every occurrence of a not-sampled unitig has a predecessor. If \(T_{n,m}\) has no successor and is the last unitig-occurrence on a tiling sequence, \(\texttt {stab} [i][j]\) contains the sentinel symbol ‘\(\$\)’. Figure 3 illustrates how predecessor and successor nucleotides are stored.

Computing the pred Query. Given the \(k\)-mer-to-unitig query, pufferfish2 supports the pred query for any unitig \(U_i\) that is not-sampled. When the \(r\)-th occurrence of \(U_i\) succeeds the \(q\)-th occurrence of \(U_j\), it computes \(\texttt {pred}(i, r) = (j, q)\) with Algorithm 3. To compute pred, it constructs a \(k\)-mer to find \(U_j\), and then computes one rank and one select query over the stored lists of nucleotides to find the correct occurrence.

Pufferfish2 first computes \(j\), the identity of the preceding unitig. The last \(k\)-mer on the preceding unitig must be the first \((k-1)\)-mer of \(U_i\) prepended with predecessor nucleotide of the \(r\)-th occurrence of \(U_i\). Given \(\texttt {ptab} [i][r] = p,\) it constructs the \(k\)-mer, \(y = p \circ U_i[:k-1]\), that must be the last \(k\)-mer on \(U_j\). So on Line 4, it computes \(\texttt {k2u}(y)\) to obtain the identity of the preceding unitig \(U_j\).

It then computes the unitig-rank, \(q\), of the preceding unitig-occurrence of \(U_j\). Each time \(U_i\) is preceded by the nucleotide \(p\), it must be preceded by the same unitig \(U_j\) since any \(k\)-mer occurs in only one unitig. Accordingly, each occurrence \(U_j\) that is succeeded by \(U_i\) must always be succeeded by the same nucleotide \(s\) equal to the \(k\)-th nucleotide of \(U_i\), \(U_i[k]\). For the preceding occurrence of \(U_j\) that the algorithm seeks to find, the nucleotide \(s\) is stored at some unknown index \(q\) in \(\texttt {stab} [j]\)—the list of successor nucleotides of \(U_j\).

Whenever an occurrence of \(U_i\) succeeds an occurrence of \(U_j\), so do the corresponding pair predecessor and successor nucleotides stored in \(\texttt {ptab} [i]\) and \(\texttt {stab} [j]\). Since \(\texttt {ptab} [i]\) and \(\texttt {stab} [j]\) store predecessor and successor nucleotides in the order in which unitig-occurrences appear in the tiling sequences, the following ranks of stored nucleotides must be equal: (1) the rank of the nucleotide \(p = \texttt {ptab} [i][r]\) at index \(r\) in the list of predecessor nucleotides, \(\texttt {ptab} [i]\), of the succeeding unitig \(U_i\), and (2) the rank of the nucleotide \(s = U_i[k]\) at index \(q\) in the list of successor nucleotides, \(\texttt {stab} [j]\), of the preceding unitig \(U_j\). We illustrate this correspondence between ranks in Fig. 4. So to find \(q\), the rank of the preceding unitig-occurrence, pufferfish2 computes the rank of the predecessor nucleotide, \(t = \texttt {rank}_{p}(\texttt {ptab} [i], r)\). Then, computing \(\texttt {select}_{s}(\texttt {stab} [i], t)\), the index where the \(t\)-th rank successor nucleotide of \(U_j\) occurs must yield \(q\).

Time and Space Analysis. Pufferfish2 computes the pred query in constant time. The \(k\)-mer for the query k2u is assembled in constant time, and the k2u query itself is answered in constant time, as already done in the pufferfish index [9].

For not-sampled unitigs, pufferfish2 does not store positions of unitig-occurrences in utab. Instead, it stores nucleotides in tables stab and ptab. These tables are implemented by wavelet matrices that support rank, select, and access operations in \(O(\lg \sigma )\) time on sequences with alphabet size \(\sigma \) while requiring only \(\lg \sigma + o(\lg \sigma )\) bits per element [24].

As explained in Sect. 3.1, we have avoided the treatment of orientations of nucleotide sequences for brevity. In actuality, unitigs may occur in a forward or a backwards orientation (i.e., with a reverse complement sequence). When considering orientations, pufferfish2 implements the pred query by storing and querying over lists of nucleotide-orientation pairs. In this case, ptab and stab instead store predecessor-orientation and successor-orientation pairs. Accordingly, wavelet matrices are then built over alphabets of size 8 and 9 respectively—deriving from eight nucleotide-orientation pairs and one sentinel value for unitig-occurrences that have no predecessor. Thus, ptab and stab in total require \(\approx 7\) bits per unitig-occurrence (since \(7=\lceil \lg 8 \rceil +\lceil \lg 9 \rceil \)). We describe how the pred query is implemented with orientations in Section S.3.

Construction. The current implementation of pufferfish2 sparsifies the unitig-to-occurrence query and compresses the table of unitig occurrences, utab, of an existing pufferfish index, and inherits its \(k\)-mer-to-unitig mapping. In practice, sampling and building a pufferfish2 index always takes less time than the initial pufferfish index construction. In brief, building pufferfish2 amounts to a linear scan over an SPT. We describe how pufferfish2 in constructed in more detail in Section S.4.

4.4 A Random Sampling Scheme to Guarantee Short Backwards Traversals

Even with a constant-time pred query, computing the unitig-to-occurrence query is fast only if the length of backwards traversals—the number of times pred is called — is small. So for some small constant \(s\), a sampling scheme should sample \(1/s\) of unique unitigs, store positions of only \(1/s\) of unitig-occurrences in utab, and result in traversal lengths usually of length \(s\).

At first, one may think that a greedy sampling scheme that traverses tiling sequences to sample unitigs could be used to bound traversal lengths to some given maximum length, \(s\). However, when tiling sequences become much longer than the number of unique unitigs, such a greedy scheme samples almost all unitigs and only somewhat effective in limited scenarios (see Section S.5). Thus, we introduce the random sampling scheme that samples 1/s of unitigs uniformly at random from \(\mathcal {U}\). This scheme guarantees that traversals using the pred query terminate in \(s\) steps in expectation if each unitig-occurrence \(T_{n,m}\) is independent and identically distributed and drawn from an arbitrary distribution. Then, backwards traversals until the occurrence of a sampled unitig is a series of Bernoulli trials with probability \(1/s\), and traversal lengths follow a geometric distribution with mean \(s\). Although this property relies on a simplifying assumption, the random sampling scheme works well in practice.

4.5 Closing the Gap Between a Constant Time pred Query and Contiguous Array Access

Even though the pred query is constant time and traversals are short, it is difficult to implement pred queries in with speed comparable to contiguous array accesses that are used to compute the u2occ for when utab is “dense”—i.e., uncompressed and not sampled. In fact, any compression scheme for utab would have difficulty contending with constant time contiguous array access regardless of their asymptotics since dense implementations are output optimal, very cache friendly, and simply store the answers to queries in an array. To close the gap between theory and practice, pufferfish2 exploits several optimizations.

In practice, a small proportion of unique unitigs are “popular” and occur extremely frequently. Fortunately, the total number of occurrences of popular unitigs is small relative to other unitigs. To avoid an excessively large number of traversals from a not-sampled unitig, pufferfish2 modifies the sampling scheme to always sample popular unitigs that occur more than a preset number, \(\alpha \), times. Better yet, we re-parameterize this optimization and set \(\alpha \) so that the total number of occurrences of popular unitigs sum to a given proportion \(0<t\le 1\) of the total occurrences of all the unitigs. For example, setting \(t=0.25\) restricts pufferfish2 to sample from 75% of the total size of utab consisting of unitigs that occur most infrequently.

Also, the MRP and pred query are especially amenable to caching. Notably, pufferfish2 caches and memoizes redundant k2u queries in successive pred queries. Also, it caches “streaming” queries to exploit the fact that successive queried \(k\)-mers (e.g., from the same sequenced read) likely land on the same unitig. We describe in more detail these and other important optimizations in Section S.6.

Table 1. Size and speed of pufferfish2 indexes querying 10 million random \(k\)-mers and 100,000 reads. Uncompressed, baseline implementations of the unitig-to-occurrence query (pufferfish indexes with the sparse k2u implementation [9]) are labeled with “None” sampling strategy. Relative sizes of compressed representations and relative slowdowns to the baseline are indicated in parentheses.

5 Experiments

We assessed the space-usage of the indexes constructed by pufferfish2 from several different whole-genome sequence collections, as well as its query performance with different sampling schemes. Reported experiments were performed on a server with an Intel Xeon CPU (E5-2699 v4) with 44 cores and clocked at 2.20 GHz, 512 GB of memory, and a 3.6 TB Toshiba MG03ACA4 HDD.

Datasets. We evaluated the performances on a number of datasets with varying attributes: (1) Bacterial collection: a random set of 4000 bacterial genomes from the NCBI microbial database; (2) Human collection: 7 assembled human genome sequences from [27]; and (3) Metagenomic collection: 30,691 representative sequences from the most prevalent human gut prokaryotic genomes from [28].

Results. To emulate a difficult query workload, we queried the indexes with 10 million random true positive \(k\)-mers sampled uniformly from the indexed references. Our results from Table 1 show that sampling popular unitigs is critical to achieve reasonable trade-offs between space and speed. When indexing seven human genomes, the difference in space between always sampling using \(t=0.05\) and \(t=0.25\), is only 2.1 GB (12.5% of the uncompressed utab). However, explicitly recording 2.1 GB of positions of occurrences of popular unitigs, substantially reduces the comparative slowdown from 43.8\(\times \) to 7.9\(\times \). This is because setting \(t=0.25\) instead of \(t=0.05\) greatly reduces the maximum number of occurrences of a not-sampled unitig—from \(\approx \)87,000 to \(\approx \)9,000 times, respectively. Here, setting \(t=0.25\) means that random \(k\)-mer queries that land in not-sampled unitigs perform many fewer traversals over reference tilings.

On metagenomic datasets, indexes are compressed to a similar degree but differences in query speed at different parameter settings are small. Pufferfish2 is especially effective for a large collection of bacterial genomes. With the fastest parameter setting, it incurs only a 4.5\(\times \) slowdown for random queries while reducing the size of utab for the collection of 30,000 bacterial genomes by 37% (from 86.3 GB to 54.4 GB).

Apart from random lookup queries, we also queried the indexes with \(k\)-mers deriving from sequenced readsets [29, 30]. We measured the time to query and recover the positions of all \(k\)-mers on 100,000 reads. This experiment demonstrates how the slowdown incurred from sampling can (in most cases) be further reduced when queries are positionally coherent or miss. Successive \(k\)-mer queries from the same read often land on the same unitig and can thus be cached (see Sect. 4.5). True negative \(k\)-mers that do not occur in the indexed reference collection neither require traversals nor incur any slowdowns.

To simulate a metagenomic analysis, we queried reads from a human stool sample against 4,000 bacterial genomes. This is an example of a low hit-rate analysis where 18% of queried \(k\)-mers map to indexed references. In this scenario, pufferfish2 reduces the size of utab by half but incurs only a 1.2\(\times \) slowdown. We also queried reads from the same human stool sample against the collection of 30,000 bacterial genomes representative of the human gut. Here, 88% of \(k\)-mers are found in the indexed references. At the sparsest setting, pufferfish2 indexes incur only a 3.6\(\times \) slowdown while reducing the size of utab by 60%.

We observe that pufferfish2 ’s sampling scheme is less effective when indexing a collection of seven human genomes. When sampled with \(s=3\) and \(t=0.25\), pufferfish2 incurs a 10.5\(\times \) slowdown when querying reads from a DNA-seq experiment in which 92% of queried \(k\)-mers occur in reference sequences. Interestingly, the slowdown when querying reads is larger than the slowdown when querying random \(k\)-mers. This is likely due to biases from sequencing that cause \(k\)-mers and reads to map to non-uniformly indexed references. Nonetheless, this result motivates future work that could design sampling schemes optimized for specific distributions of query patterns.

We expect to see less-pronounced slowdowns in practice than those reported in Table 1. This is because tools downstream of an index like pufferfish2 almost always perform operations much slower after straightforward exact lookups for \(k\)-mers. For example, aligners have to perform alignment accounting for mismatches and edits. Also, our experiments pre-process random \(k\)-mer sets and read-sets so that no benchmark is I/O bound. Critically, the compromises in speed that pufferfish2 makes are especially palatable because it trades-off speed in the fastest operations in analyses—exact \(k\)-mer queries—while substantially reducing the space required for the most space intensive operation.

Table 2. Sizes in GB of possible, new indexes—with k2u implemented by SSHash and u2occ by pufferfish2 —compared to the size of original pufferfish indexes. Selected sampling parameters for datasets (top-to-bottom) are \((s=3, t=0.25)\), \((s=3, t=0.05)\), and \((s=6, t=0.05)\), respectively.

Using SSHash for Even Smaller Indexes. For convenience, we have implemented our SPT compression scheme within an index that uses the specific sparse pufferfish implementation for the \(k\)-mer-to-tile (\(k\)-mer-to-unitig) mapping [9]. However, the SPT enables the construction of modular indexes that use various data structures for the \(k\)-mer-to-tile mapping and the tile-to-reference mapping, provided only a minimalistic API between them. A recent representation of the \(k\)-mer-to-tile mapping that supports all the necessary functionality is SSHash [22]. Compared to the k2u component of pufferfish, SSHash is almost always substantially smaller. Further, it usually provides faster query speed compared to the sparse pufferfish implementation of the \(k\)-mer-to-tile query, especially when streaming queries are being performed.

In Table 2, we calculate the size of indexes if SSHash is used for the \(k\)-mer-to-tile mapping—rather than the sparse pufferfish implementation. These sizes then represent overall index sizes that would be obtained by pairing a state-of-the-art representation of the \(k\)-mer-to-tile mapping with a state-of-the-art representation of the tile-to-reference mapping (that we have presented in this work). Practically, the only impediment to constructing a fully-functional index from these components is that they are implemented in different languages (C++ for SSHash and Rust for pufferfish2)—we are currently addressing this issue.

Importantly, these results demonstrate that, when SSHash is used, the representation of the tile-to-occurrence query becomes a bottleneck in terms of space, occupying an increasingly larger fraction of the overall index. Table 2 shows that, in theory, if one fully exploits the modularity of SPTs, new indexes that combine SSHash with pufferfish2 would be half the space of the original pufferfish index. As of writing, with respect to an index over 30,000 bacterial genomes, the estimated difference in monetary cost of an AWS EC2 instance that can fit a new 55.6 GB index versus a 131 GB pufferfish index in memory is 300USD per month (see Section S.7).

Comparing to MONI and the r-Index. We compared pufferfish2 to MONI, a tool that builds an r-index to locate maximal exact matches in highly repetitive reference collections [6]. In brief, pufferfish2 is faster and requires less space than MONI for our benchmarked bacterial dataset. Our tool does so with some trade-offs. Pufferfish2 supports rapid locate queries for \(k\)-mers of a fixed length, while r-index based approaches supports locate queries for patterns of any arbitrary length and can be used to find MEMs. Notably, it has been shown that both \(k\)-mer and MEM queries can be used for highly effective read-mapping and alignment [1, 6].

For reference, we built MONI on our collection of 4,000 bacterial genomes. Here, MONI required 51.0G of disk space to store which is 29% larger than the pufferfish index (39.5 GB) with its dense k2u implementation—its least space-efficient configuration. The most space efficient configuration of the pufferfish2 index (with \(s=3\), \(t=.25\)) is 42% the size of MONI when built on from the same data and requires 21.7 GB of space. Compared to a theoretically possible index specified in Table 2 that would only require 11.0 GB, MONI would need 4.6\(\times \) more space.

We also performed a best-effort comparison of query speed between pufferfish2 and MONI. Unfortunately, it is not possible to directly measure the speed of exact locate queries for MONI because it does not expose an interface for such queries. Instead, we queried MONI to find MEMs on true-positive \(k\)-mers treating each \(k\)-mer as unique read (encoded in FASTQ format as MONI requires). We argue that this is a reasonable proxy to exact locate queries because, for each true-positive \(k\)-mer deriving from an indexed reference sequence, the entire \(k\)-mer itself is the maximal exact match. For MONI, just like in benchmarks for in Table 1, we report the time taken for computing queries only and ignore time required for I/O operations (i.e. loading the index and quries, and writing results to disk).

We found that pufferfish2 is faster than MONI when querying \(k\)-mers against our collection of 4,000 bacterial genomes. MONI required 1,481.7 s to query the same set of 10 million random true-positive k-mers queried in Table 1. When compared to the slowest built most space efficient configuration of pufferfish2 benchmarked in Table 1, pufferfish2 is 3.5\(\times \) faster.

6 Discussion and Future Work

In this work, we introduce the spectrum preserving tiling (SPT), which describes how a spectrum preserving string set (SPSS) tiles and “spells” an input collection of reference sequences. While considerable research effort has been dedicated to constructing space and time-efficient indexes for SPSS, little work has been done to develop efficient representations of the tilings themselves, despite the fact that these tilings tend to grow more quickly than the SPSS and quickly become the size bottleneck when these components are combined into reference indexes. We describe and implement a sparsification scheme in which the space required for representing an SPT can be greatly reduced in exchange for an expected constant-factor increase in the query time. We also describe several important heuristics that are used to substantially lessen this constant-factor in practice. Having demonstrated that modular reference indexes can be constructed by composing a \(k\)-mer-to-tile mapping with a tile-to-occurrence mapping, we have thus opened the door to exploring an increasingly diverse collection of related reference indexing data structures.

Despite the encouraging progress that has been made here, we believe that there is much left to be explored regarding the representation of SPTs, and that many interesting questions remain open. Some of these questions are: (1) How would an algorithm sample individual unitig-occurrences instead of all occurrences of a unitig to explicitly bound the lengths of backwards traversals? (2) Does a smaller SPSS imply a small SPT and could one compute an optimally small SPT? (3) Given some distributional assumptions for queries, can an algorithm sample SPTs to minimize the expected query time? (4) In practice, how can an implemented tool combine our sampling scheme with existing compression algorithms for the highly skewed tile-to-occurrence query? (5) Can a lossy index over an SPT be constructed and applied effectively in practical use cases?

With excitement, we discuss in more detail these possibilities for future work in more detail in Section S.8.