The consequence of assessing the natural and cultural heritage of a territory is the need of tools for their management. The European Geoparks Network and the Global Geoparks Network (assisted by UNESCO) have the function to provide these tools, aiming at promoting the sustainable development of a territory through the valorization and conservation of its natural and cultural heritage. Becoming an international recognised Geopark in 2005, the Beigua territory has gathered increasing attention from local authorities, tourism operators, entrepreneurs, universities and research institutions, schools, volunteers and environmental associations. During the last 5 years Beigua Geopark developed several projects and acted to raise public awareness on nature conservation. Thanks to effective collaboration with geoscientists, local authorities and tourism organisations, Beigua Geopark set up a structured network of interpretation facilities to support geotourism activities. In this direction, Beigua Geopark also launched an organised touristic offer. Connecting landscape, cultural heritage, sports facilities with unique geological and geomorphological features, Beigua Geopark presents multiple services to encourage both local and regional sustainable development.

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Burlando, M., Firpo, M., Queirolo, C. et al. From Geoheritage to Sustainable Development: Strategies and Perspectives in the Beigua Geopark (Italy). Geoheritage 3, 63–72 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-010-0019-4
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12371-010-0019-4