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OrientLab is a peer-reviewed, multi-language series devoted to researches and syntheses on the cultures of the ancient Near East, which is open to contributions of established and younger scholars from any affiliation. The series follows the policy of the open access to scientific data. OrientLab may be consulted online, downloaded or purchased in printed format.

N. Author/Editor Title Version Download Purchase
1 N. Marchetti (ed.) Kinku. Sigilli dell’età del Bronzo dalla regione di Gaziantep in Turchia 30/07/2011 PDF AnteQuem
2 N. Marchetti (ed.) Karkemish. An Ancient Capital on the Euphrates 31/07/2014 PDF AnteQuem


“Gaziantep Regional Project Occasional Papers,” edited by Nicolò Marchetti, are non-periodical scientific studies and reports about the socio-cultural heritage and natural environment of the region of Gaziantep by the Turco-Italian Archaeological Expedition to Karkemish. GRPOP is open also to scientists from all fields and from any affiliation, contributions are peer-reviewed.



No. Author(s) Title Version Download Digital Documentation Purchase
2013: 1 G.M. Bargossi, G. Gasparotto, M. Marocchi Tilmen Höyük: Petrographic and Geochemical Investigation on Lithic Remains from the Palace Area. 30/11/2013 PDF Ante Quem
2013: 2 V. Minguzzi, E. Esquilini, E. Zantedeschi Tilmen Höyük: A Mineralogical-geochemical Characterization of Some MBA and LBA Pottery Samples. 30/11/2013 PDF Ante Quem
2013: 3 P. Rossi Pisa, M. Speranza, M. Bittelli, H. Çakan Tilmen Höyük: Climate, Soil, Hydrology and Vegetation. 30/11/2013 PDF Ante Quem
2013: 4 N. Macchioni, S. Lazzeri Tilmen Höyük: Identification of Wood Species from Areas E and G. 30/11/2013 PDF Ante Quem
2013: 5 Y.S. Erdal Tilmen Höyük: Human Skeletal Remains from Area Q. 30/11/2013 PDF Ante Quem
2013: 6 M. Carra Tilmen Höyük: Archaeobotanical Remains from Area E. 30/11/2013 PDF Ante Quem
2013: 7 G. Marchesi Tilmen Höyük: An Inscribed Bulla from the 1962 Campaign. 30/11/2013 PDF Ante Quem
2014: 1 A. Adamo, C. Cappuccino Karkemish. L’Area C: contesti e materiali degli scavi del 2011. 30/12/2014 PDF Ante Quem
2016: 1 A. Bonomo, F. Zaina Karkemish. Report on the 2011 and 2012 Excavations in Area F. 01/09/2016 PDF Ante Quem
2017: 1 V. Gallerani, A. Vacca, F. Zaina Catalogue of the Pottery Materials from Karkemish in the Anatolian Civilizations Museum, Ankara 01/11/2017 PDF XLS Ante Quem
2020: 1 M. Campeggi Karkemish. Report on the Investigations in the Area of the Halaf Kilns at Yunus. 01/09/2020 PDF XLS Ante Quem
2020:2 A. Curci Tilmen Höyük. Zooarchaeological Analysis of a Middle and Late Bronze Age Urban Centre (Excavation Campaigns 2003-2007) 15/10/2020 PDF Ante Quem
2021: 1 F. Zaina Taslı Geçit Höyük Report on the Excavations and Survey of the Outskirts of the Main Mound 01/02/2021 PDF XLS Ante Quem
2021: 2 F. Boschi, M. Silani Taslı Geçit Höyük. The Geophysical and Topographical Surveys at the Site 01/02/2021



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“Mesopotamian Archaeological Initiative Occasional Papers” are non-periodical scientific studies and reports about the socio-cultural heritage and natural environment of ancient Mesopotamia carried out by the Iraqi-Italian Archaeological Expedition by the University of Bologna and the SBAH. MAIOP is open also to scientists from all fields and from any affiliation, contributions are peer-reviewed.



No. Author(s) Title Version Download Digital Documentation Purchase
2023: 1 Nicolò Marchetti, Rwaed Muwafaq Mohammed, Cristiano Putzolu, Julian Edgeworth Reade, Marco Valeri The Ottoman Bridge Of Mosul: Survey And History Of An Endangered Heritage 31/12/2023 PDF Ante Quem

OrientLab Series Maior

OrientLab Series Maior is a peer-reviewed, multi-language series dealing with archaeology, epigraphy and environmental studies, relating to the ancient Near East. This series follows the policy of the open access to scientific data and its volumes can be consulted online, downloaded, or purchased in printed format.



N. Author/Editor Title Version Download Digital Documentation Purchase
1 H. Peker Texts from Karkemish, I. Luwian Hieroglyphic Inscriptions from the 2011-2015 Excavations 31/03/2016 PDF Ante Quem
2 G. Marchesi Literary Old Sumerian: The Texts 31/05/2016 coming soon   coming soon
3 F. Zaina (ed.) Excavations at Karkemish I. The Stratigraphic Sequence of Area G in the Inner Town 31/12/2018 PDF


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4 S. Mantellini and S. Pizzimenti Excavations at Karkemish II. The Inner West Gate in Area N 31/03/2021 PDF XLS Ante Quem
5 F. Zaina The Urban Archaeology of Early Kish. 3rd Millennium BCE Levels at Tell Ingharra 30/06/2020 PDF ZIP Ante Quem
6 B. Bolognani, G. Giacosa and F. Zaina Excavations at Karkemish III. The Survey of the Yunus Necropolis 28/02/2021 PDF XLS Ante Quem
7 V. Orsi Excavations at Tilmen Höyük I. The Fortification System in the Lower Town 15/01/2022 PDF XLS Ante Quem


OrientLab Special Issues

The Special Issues of OrientLab are open access publications on the ancient Near East that neither belong to a specific series nor follow a standard format. Works by individual authors will be peer-reviewed; collective works will be accepted with reserve by the Editor, provided they meet scholarly standards and the criterium of the usefulness to the scientific community.


Author/Editor Title Version Download Purchase
I. Thuesen (ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd ICAANE. Vol. 1 15/12/2016 PDF
I. Thuesen and A. Walmsley (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd ICAANE. Vol. 2 31/12/2016 PDF

Libraries and readers are authorized to print and bind themselves the 2ICAANE Proceedings, shelving them as they please. To get the complete covers of the two volumes click here. Authors are also authorized to produce their own offprints (including also at least the cover and pages i to iv of the relevant volume) and to distribute them over the web as they prefer.