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BY-NC-ND 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter 2020

Ana Cecilia Prenz Kopušar, «un’argentina italiana nata a Belgrado»

From the book Confini, identità, appartenenze

  • Ricciarda Ricorda


Ana Cecilia Prenz (1964), in the volume of 2016, Attraversando il fiume in bicicletta, is measured by three identities, Argentinean, Serbian and Italian, and their respective cultures and languages, in a personal history that crosses crucial moments of the twentieth century, such as the Argentine dictatorship, the period of Tito, the political tensions of Italian history in the seventies. The diary, written first in Spanish and then translated into Italian by the author herself, therefore presents an unusual mixture of places, situations, conditions, with the story of the events and the extraordinary formation of a young woman who had to start her life over again, accepting to recognize her identity with more connotations. The analysis of the text will focus on the theme of comparison and encounter between the different dimensions, with the reconstruction of an identity that must redefine itself after tears and lacerating events.

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Munich/Boston
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