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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (A) August 19, 2016

Leveraging the network: A stress-test framework based on DebtRank

  • Stefano Battiston EMAIL logo , Guido Caldarelli , Marco D’Errico and Stefano Gurciullo


We develop a novel stress-test framework to monitor systemic risk in financial systems. The modular structure of the framework allows to accommodate for a variety of shock scenarios, methods to estimate interbank exposures and mechanisms of distress propagation. The main features are as follows. First, the framework allows to estimate and disentangle not only first-round effects (i.e. shock on external assets) and second-round effects (i.e. distress induced in the interbank network), but also third-round effects induced by possible fire sales. Second, it allows to monitor at the same time the impact of shocks on individual or groups of financial institutions as well as their vulnerability to shocks on counterparties or certain asset classes. Third, it includes estimates for loss distributions, thus combining network effects with familiar risk measures such as VaR and CVaR. Fourth, in order to perform robustness analyses and cope with incomplete data, the framework features a module for the generation of sets of networks of interbank exposures that are coherent with the total lending and borrowing of each bank. As an illustration, we carry out a stress-test exercise on a dataset of listed European banks over the years 2008–2013. We find that second-round and third-round effects dominate first-round effects, therefore suggesting that most current stress-test frameworks might lead to a severe underestimation of systemic risk.

MSC 2010: 91B30

Funding source: European Commission

Award Identifier / Grant number: FET Open project SIMPOL nr. 610704

Award Identifier / Grant number: FET Open DOLFINS nr. 640772

Award Identifier / Grant number: ERC grant RMAC nr. 249415

Funding statement: SB and MD acknowledge support from the European Commission FET Open project SIMPOL nr. 610704, the European Commission FET Open DOLFINS nr. 640772, the European Commission ERC grant RMAC nr. 249415, and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) Professorship grant no. PP00P1-144689.

A Methods

In this methodological appendix, we provide the technical details of the process underlying the stress-test framework. In order to bridge between capital requirements and the network structure, we build on the common notion of leverage and define two leverage networks, which reflect a more granular representation of banks’ balance sheets.

A.1 Balance-sheet dynamics

In the framework, we consider a financial system composed of n institutions (banks). Each institution i in the system can invest in either m external assets or in the funding of the other n-1 financial institutions. The focus of our analysis is on the dynamics of the balance sheets of each institution (at each time t=0,1,2,) and, in particular, of their equity levels. The balance sheet is modelled as follows: Ei(t) is the equity value of institution i at time t, Ai(t) is the value of its total assets and Di its total liabilities. Consistently with much of the literature, we assume that assets are marked-to-market whereas liabilities are written at their face value. We can classify assets and liabilities into external and interbank. In particular, we consider the n×n interbank lending matrix, whose element Aijb is the amount bank i lends to bank j in the interbank market and the n×m external assets matrix, whose element Aike is the amount invested by bank i in the external asset k. The sum Aib=j=1nAijb is the total amount of interbank assets of bank i and the sum Aie=k=1mAike is the total amount of external assets of bank i. In this framework, we consider external liabilities as exogenous and do not specifically model them: to simplify the notation, these liabilities do not carry a time index. The balance sheet identity at each time t=0 reads: Ai(t)=Di(t)+Ei(t) or, equivalently, Aie(t)+Aib(t)=Die+Dib(t)+Ei(t). We define the total leverage of bank i at time t as the ratio between its total assets and its equity: li(t)=Ai(t)/Ei(t), which can disaggregated into its additive subcomponents:


where the element lijb(t)=Aijb/Ei(t) is the leverage of bank i towards bank j at time t and the element like(t)=Aike/Ei(t) is the external leverage of bank i with respect to the external asset k. By considering these two matrices as weighted adjacency matrices, we can then envision two leverage networks: (i) a mono-partite interbank leverage network and (ii) a bipartite external leverage network. By summing along the columns of these matrices, we can obtain the total interbank leveragelib(t)=jlijb(t) (the interbank leverage out-strength) and the total external leveragelie=klike(t) (the external leverage out-strength). These quantities are the key variables in our framework. In particular, we will show that interbank and external leverage produce compounded effects when the dynamic of losses for the second round is considered.

A.2 The distress process

As banks deplete capital in order to face losses in both interbank and external assets, in the stress-test framework we are mainly concerned with the dynamics of the relative loss in equity for each institution, with respect to a baseline level at t=0. This dynamics is captured by the following process:


which represents the individual cumulative relative equity loss in time. We assume that either no replenishment of capital or positive cash flow are possible, therefore Ei(t)Ei(t-1) for all t. In this way, the relative equity loss is a non-decreasing function of time. Further, hi(t)[0,1] for all t. A bank defaults (i.e. the bank reaches the maximum distress possible) if hi(t)=1. When hi(t)=0 the bank is undistressed. All values of hi(t) between 0 and 1 imply that the bank is under distress. Similarly, we can compute the global cumulative relative equity loss at each time t as the weighted average of each individual level of distress:


where the weights are given by wi=Ei(0)/jEj(0), i.e. the fraction of equity of each bank at the baseline level (t=0). Notice that hi(t) is a pure number and so is H(t). The monetary value (e.g. in Euros or Dollars) of the loss can be obtained by hi(t)×Ei(0) (individual loss) and Hi(t)×iEi(0) (global loss).

Using the terminology introduced in the main text, equations (2) and (3) allow to measure the individual and global vulnerability respectively. The entire distress process featured in the framework can be outlined in the following steps.

A.2.1 First round: Shock on external assets

Let pk(0) be the value of one unit of the external asset k. At time t=1, a (negative) shock


on the value of asset k reduces the value of the investment in external assets of bank i by the amount


Banks record a loss on their asset side that, provided the hypothesis that assets are mark-to-market and liabilities are at face value, the loss needs to be compensated by a corresponding reduction in equity:


The individual and global relative equity loss at time t=1 can be obtained as follows:[5]


which shows how the initial shock on each asset k is multiplicatively amplified by the external leverage on that specific asset. This leads to a straightforward interpretation of the leverage ratio. Indeed it is immediate to prove that the reciprocal of the leverage ratio corresponds to the minimum shock rimin that leads bank i to default (this applies to all summands like e lijb in (1)). Since the single largest exposure is typically smaller than the equity, it is likely that defaults and large losses originate by different combinations of shocks affecting the different external assets. In the absence of detailed data on the exposure to different classes of external assets, we assume a common negative shock r(1) on the value of all external assets. This assumption can be interpreted in two alternative ways. First, we can envision a common small shock to all asset classes, as in times of general market distress. The second way is that of a large shock to specific asset classes held by all banks (for instance, sovereign on a class of countries, housing shocks, etc.).

We can therefore drop the index k in the summation and write hi(1)=min{1,lier(1)}. At this point, the initial loss reverberates throughout the interbank network.

A.2.2 Second round: Reverberation on the interbank network

The DebtRank algorithm [10] extends the dynamics of default contagion into a more general distress propagation not necessarily entailing a default event. In other words, shocks on the asset side of the balance sheet of bank i transmit along the network even when such shocks are not large enough to trigger the default of i. This is motivated by the fact that, as i’s equity decreases, so does its distance to default [22] and, consistently with the approach of [48] the bank will be less likely to repay its obligations in case of further distress, therefore implying that the market value of i’s obligations will decrease as well. Consequently, the distress propagates onto its counterparties along the network. If we denote the market value of the obligation with Vt(Aij),[6] then the above argument implies that the distress j propagates onto its lender i can be expressed, in general terms, as the relative loss with respect to the original face value


By summing over all obligors, the relative equity loss of each bank i at time t=2,3, is described by


where SA(t) is the set of active nodes, i.e. nodes that transmit distress at time t. The choice of the set of active nodes at time t, SA(t), is a peculiarity of DebtRank. In fact, equation (4) is of a recursive nature and therefore needs to be computed at each time t by considering the nodes that were in distress at the previous time. Since the leverage network can present cycles, the distress may propagate via a particular link more than once. Although this fact does not represent a problem in mathematical terms, its economic interpretation is indeed more problematic. In order to overcome this problem, DebtRank excludes more than one reverberation. From a network perspective, by choosing the set SA(t) we exclude walks that count a specific link more than once. The process ends at a certain time T, when nodes are no longer active.

The functional form of f().

The choice of the function f() deserves further discussion. In fact, a correct estimation of its form would require an empirical framework which should take into account the probability of default of j and the recovery rate of the assets held by i. However, the minimum requirement that f() needs to satisfy is that of being a non-decreasing relation between hi and the losses in the value of its obligations. More specifically, we can hypothesize that small values of hi may have little to no effect on the market value of i’s obligations, whereas extremely large losses would settle the value of i’s obligations almost close to zero: the relationship is therefore necessarily non-linear and f() is likely to be a sigmoid-type of function. In view of this, although further work will deal with the analysis of more refined functional forms, we hereby present two main forms, referring to the following two specific dynamics of distress:

  1. Default contagion. In this case, in line with a specific stream of literature, [27], only the event of default triggers a contagion. The function f() is therefore chosen as the indicator function over the case of default: f(hi(t))=χ{hi(t)=1}.

  2. DebtRank. The characteristics of f() imply the existence of an intermediate level where f() can be approximated by a linear function. By choosing the identity function f(hi(t))=hi(t), we obtain the original DebtRank formulation [10]. This functional form will be the one we use the most in the framework and the exercise.

For the sake of clarity, in the remainder of this section, we consider only the latter functional form. However, in the framework, stress tests can be easily carried out for both cases.


We are now ready to compute the vulnerability (both individual and global) and the impact (at the individual level). The individual vulnerability hi(t) can be easily computed by setting f(hj(t))=hj(t) in (4). The global vulnerability is then given by H(t)=ihi(t)wi. Even though the framework can take as input any type of shocks, we focus briefly on the case in which the external assets of all banks are shocked: in this case all banks transmit distress at time t=1 and, given the choice of the set SA(1), the process indeed ends at time T=2. We can hence derive a closed-form solution for the individual vulnerability after the second round:


which elucidates the compounding effect of external and interbank leverage.

If the shock r(0) is small enough not to induce any default, then (5) can be rewritten as


DebtRank, in its original formulation [10], entails a stress test by assuming the default of each bank individually and computing the global relative equity loss induced by such default. This is indeed what we define as the impact of an institution onto the system as a whole. Formally, this can be written as

Network effects: A first-order approximation of vulnerability.

Equation (4) clearly shows the main feature of the distress dynamics captured by DebtRank: the interplay between the network of leverage and the distress imported from neighbors in this network. Further, equation (5) clarifies the multiplicative role of leverage in determining the distress at the end of the second round. We now develop a first-order approximation of (5), which will serve the purpose of further clarifying the compounding effects of external and interbank leverage in determining distress. For the sake of simplicity, we assume no default, which allows us to remove the “min” operator. This is a reasonable assumption in case of a relatively small shock on external assets. We approximate the external leverage of the obligors of bank i by taking the weighted average (with weights wi) of their external leverages, which we denote by le. As


we write


By denoting with lb the weighted average of lib, we can approximate the global equity loss at the end of the second round H(2) as


which allows to see how the second-round effects alone can be obtained as the product of the weighted average interbank leverage and weighted average external leverage. Typically, stress tests emphasize the effects of the first-round: as we observe, this may potentially bring to a severe underestimation of systemic risk.

A.3 Third round and fire sales

After the second round, banks have experienced a certain level of equity loss that has completely reshaped the initial configuration of the balance sheets at time t=0. Banks are now attempting to restore, at least partially, this initial configuration. In particular, we assume [64] that each bank i will try to move to the original leverage level li(0). This implies that banks will try to sell external assets in order to obtain enough cash to repay their obligations and therefore reduce the size of their balance sheet. Because of the vast quantity of external assets sold by the banking system in aggregate, the impact on the prices of external assets is also relevant, which will reduce accordingly. Banks therefore will experience further losses due to fire sales and we label such losses as third-round effects. Here, we provide a minimal model for the scenario described above.

Consider the leverage dynamics at t=1,2,,T,T+1,T+2. The leverage at t is


We assume that, at t=0, each bank had a quantity of external assets Qi and, without loss of generality, that the initial price of the asset is unitary (p(0)=1). Hence, the asset values at t=0 can be written as Ai(0)=Qi(0)=li(0)Ei(0). The asset price after the first round is therefore simply p(1)=p(T)=(1-r). Recalling that the first round affects only the external asset and that the second round affects only interbank assets, the leverage of each bank i immediately after the second round can be written as


where, for ease of notation, lie=lie(0) and lib=lib(0). First, we need to prove that the new leverage levels are higher with respect to the initial conditions. It is easy to prove that li(T)>li(0) (as long as i has not defaulted):


where li=li(0). The above inequality leads to the condition hi(2)(li-1)>0, which is always verified in our setting.

At t=T+1, banks attempt to restore the target leverage li*=li(0)=lie+lib, by selling a fraction si[0,1] of their external assets at the price (1-r) replenishing their equity of an amount Qi(1-r)s. Therefore, we modify (7) as follows:


After some passages, we obtain the value for si:


which satisfies (8). The relative amount of assets sold is given by


We further assume that the simultaneous selling of external assets in the market produces a further linear impact on the price. Given the impact of fire sales, the new price is further reduced as follows:


and the relative change in price is therefore proportional to the relative change in quantity of sold assets through a constant η[0,1]. Finally, by computing the additional loss given by the decline in price following (9), we obtain the final individual relative equity loss at t=T+2:


and the global equity loss at the third round (assuming no defaults):


A.4 Loss distribution

The distress process allows to capture, at each time t, the relative equity loss for both the individual institution and the system as a whole. This implies the possibility to compute, at each time t, a (continuous) relative equity loss distribution conditional to a certain shock. The equity loss distribution can be characterized, for example, by two typical risk measures: Value at Risk (VaR) and Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) (also known as Expected Shortfall, ES). Since hi(t) and H(t) are nonnegative variables in [0,1] for all i,t, the individual Value at Risk for bank i at time t at level α is defined as the 1-α quantile [47, 31]:


and the Conditional Value at Risk for bank i at time t at level α is defined as the expected value of the losses exceeding the VaR:


Considering the system as a whole, we can likewise analyze the global relative equity losses H(t) at each time t, therefore obtaining a global VaR:


and the global CVaR:


B Data collection and processing

Detailed public data on banks’ balance sheets are unavailable, therefore we resorted to a dataset that provides a reasonable level of breakdown, the Bureau Van Dijk Bankscope database ( We focus on a subset of 183 banks headquartered in the European Union that are also quoted on a stock market for the years from 2008 to 2013. The main criterion for the selection was that of having detailed coverage (on a yearly basis) for total assets, equity, interbank lending or borrowing.[7] Future work will deal with data at higher frequency (quarterly, monthly, etc.). Our interbank asset and liability data include amounts due under repurchase agreements (which are economically analogous to a secured loan) thereby prompting large contagion effects. We performed a series of consistency checks. In the case of missing interbank lending data for a bank for less than three years, we proceed with an estimation via linear interpolation of the data available for the other years (a comparison with the available data gives errors lower than 20%). Since, in general, the correlation between interbank lending and borrowing for all banks and years is about 70% (with some significant differences), this implies the presence of net lenders and net borrowers. In view of this, when data on either interbank lending or borrowing are not available for more than three years, we simply set them equal.

C Network reconstruction

Data on total interbank lending and borrowing are often publicly available, while the detailed bilateral exposures are typically confidential. However, in this section, we outline the estimation procedure adopted in the framework. At each point in time, we create a sample of 100 networks via the “fitness model”, which is a technique that has recently been used to reconstruct financial networks starting from aggregate exposures [25, 52, 51]. The procedure can be outlined as follows:

1. Total exposure re-balancing.

Since we are considering a subset of the entire interbank market, we observe an inconsistency: the total interbank assets A=iAi are systematically smaller than the total interbank liabilities L=iLi for each year (EU banks are net borrowers from the rest of the world). To adopt a conservative scenario, we assume that the total lending volume in the network is the minimum between the two (A in the exercise). Let Ai/A and Li/jLj be respectively the lending and borrowing propensity of i.

2. Exposure link assignment.

The fitness model, when applied to interbank networks [25] attributes to each bank a so-called fitness level xi (typically a proxy of its size in the interbank network). We can estimate the probability that an exposure between i and j exists via the following formula, where z is a free parameter:


Notice that pij=pji. Consistently with a recent stream of literature [52, 51], for each bank we take as fitness xi the average between its total lending and borrowing propensity, implying that, the greater this value, the higher will be the number of counterparties (the degree of a node). Considering empirical evidence on the density of different interbank networks [39], we assume on average a density of 5% (i.e. about 1670 over the n(n-1) possible links).[8] Since it can be proved that the total number of links is equal to the expected value of


we can determine the parameter z and compute the matrix of link probabilities pij. We now generate 100 network realizations. For each of these realizations, we assign a link to the pair of banks (i,j) with probability pij. The link direction (which determines whether i or j is the lender or the borrower) is chosen at random with probability 0.5.

3. Exposure volume allocation.

Last, we need to assign weights to the edges (the volumes of each exposure). We impose the fundamental constraint that the sum of the exposures of each bank (out-strength) equals its total interbank asset Ai. To achieve this, we implement an iterative proportional fitting algorithm on the interbank exposure matrix aij. We wish to estimate the matrix πij=Aij/A, which is the relative value of each exposure with respect to the total interbank volume. We begin the estimation π^ij of πij, at each iteration:


i.e. π^ij is divided by its relative lending propensity and multiplied by the total relative assets of i; and


We repeat the two steps (12) and (13) until jπ^ij-Ai/A and jπ^ji-Li/L are below 1%. Last, the exposure network can be estimated by πij×A.


We are grateful to an anonymous referee, and to Joseph Stiglitz, Gabriele Visentin, Serafin Martínez Jaramillo and Irena Vodenska for their useful comments and suggestions on the paper. We also thank the participants in internal seminars at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt (March 2015), the European Systemic Risk Board Joint ATC-ASC Expert Group Meeting on Interconnectedness (May 2015) and NetSci 2015 in Zaragoza.


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Received: 2015-2-27
Revised: 2016-2-22
Accepted: 2016-7-26
Published Online: 2016-8-19
Published in Print: 2016-12-1

© 2016 by De Gruyter

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