28 Gennaio 2014

Palombo M, Fasciani L, delli Santi G, Schirosi M, Pagliarini T, Bronco I, La Greca C, Palombo P

Authors   [Indice]

Palombo M1, Fasciani L1, delli Santi G1, Schirosi M1, Pagliarini T1, Bronco I1, La Greca C1, Palombo P1

1 Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Burns Centre Large-Hospital Sant’Eugenio–Piazzale dell’Umanesimo 10, 00144 Rome, Italy

Citation: Palombo M, Fasciani L, delli Santi G, et al. Burn and post traumatic scars treatment. Prevent Res, published on line 28 Jan. 2014, P&R Public 63. Available from: 

doi: 10.7362/2240-2594.152.2014

Abstract   [Indice]

The treatment of burn and post-traumatic scars relies on different techniques such as surgery, pressure therapy, silicone devices, intra-lesional steroid injections, radiation therapy and pulsed-dye laser treatments. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the lipofilling, alone or in combination with ablative and non ablative fractionated lasers, in improving the scar remodeling, observing the clinical, functional and esthetic evolution of the scar, and checking the right moment to begin the treatment in order to obtain the best result.

This study, begun in September 2011, expected three different phases: “Pre-treatment phase”, includes medical history and an accurate evaluation of the scar, completed with biopsies; “Treatment phase”, each scar was divided into three zones, the first was treated with lipofilling alone, the second and the third with Erbium: glass 1540 nm and fractional ablative CO2 laser treatments combined with lipofilling; the first laser session was performed on the same day of lipofilling, the others after one and two months; “ Follow-up phase”, was performed in four times: immediate follow-up after the treatment, after seven days and after one or two months. At the end of the treatments some biopsies were performed.

Results and Conclusions
Until now, all the patients obtained a functional and esthetic improvement of the scars, not showing any adverse reactions to the treatment. So lipofilling allows an improvement of the scar remodeling, much more evident if used in combination with fractional lasers.

Key words: Scar, Lipofilling Erbium: glass 1540 nm, Fractional ablative CO2 laser

Corresponding Author   [Indice]

Ilaria Bronco
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Burns Centre Large
Hospital Sant’Eugenio–Piazzale dell’Umanesimo 10, 00144 Rome, Italy

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