Risk cofactors in HHV-8 transmission in sub-saharanafrica. Environmental and behavioural factors involved in viral transmission

27 Dicembre 2013

Romano R, Tabacchi F

Authors   [Indice]

Romano R1, Tabacchi F1

1 Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, “Sapienza” University of Rome

Citation: Romano R, Tabacchi F. Cofattori di rischio nella trasmissione dell’HHV-8 in Africa sub-sahariana. Fattori ambientali e comportamentali coinvolti nella  trasmissione virale.  Prevent Res, published on line 27 Dec. 2013, P&R Public 61. Available from: 


Abstract   [Indice]

In sub-Saharan Africa, the increase of Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) seroprevalence during childhood suggests an horizontal intrafamilial transmission: mother-to-child. However, the exact transmission modes aren’t yet known, there are correlation between use of saliva and incidence of HHV-8. Infact, the viral load in saliva is higher than in other human fluids. In this view, key roles played by: i) variability of geographical distribution of HHV-8, ii) environmental factors as local plant and promoter blood sucking arthropods, iii) behavioural practices as use of traditional methods based on crushed and premasticated herbs contaminated with infected saliva.

Key words: HHV-8, saliva, premasticated herbs, Euphorbiacee, arthropod

Corresponding Author   [Indice]

Rita Romano
Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, “Sapienza” University of Rome

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